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Announcing a unique collaboration to assist financial institutions with operating oil and gas assets

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Eureka Energy Advisors and H.J. Gruy and Associates, Inc., recognized energy industry providers, have launched a synergistic oil and natural gas operations group, functioning as an integrated team. The partnership was created to provide the essential support needed to operate and manage economically distressed assets until a favorable divestiture is achieved.

Scalability and adaptability are built into the group’s established, multi-step process to address assets of varying size and scope.  Once a specific project is identified, a customized strategy and procedural plan are tailored for the asset.

Together, this association provides all the necessary skills, resources, and experience to implement a successful and beneficial program to operate and manage oil and natural gas properties until a divestiture is completed.

Eureka Energy Advisors provides project management expertise in multidisciplinary field operations and strategy development including drilling, well control, completions, workovers, production, safety and administration, and environmental.

H.J. Gruy and Associates provides SEC and PRMS reserves evaluations, economic forecasting, analytical modeling, integrated field studies, reservoir engineering, geology, geophysics, LiDAR, and petrophysical analysis. 

Eureka Energy Advisors and H.J. Gruy and Associates, Inc. are registered engineering firms.

Contact us for more information about how we can help you navigate the operations-to-divestment path.


Taking over Operations?

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What happens if you are a banker or private equity investor, and you find yourself
in possession of oil and natural gas properties? What if you are the operator? The
prospect of taking over operations should not be the nightmare keeping you
awake at night.

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